
The Mediterranean Hydro-graphic Atlas – MEDATLAS Project aims to:

  • update the Mediterranean Databank,
  • quality control of the depth, temperature and salinity data,
  • revision of the climatological statistics for the Mediterranean Sea with a resolution adapted to the region space scales,
  • make available the hydrological data of Temperature and Salinity on a CD-ROM with the use of a friendly software.

The contribution of the HNODC to the Project consists of:

  • the development of a regional inventory and the assemblage of the vertical T/S (Temperature/Salinity) profiles (XBT/MBT, Nansen casts and CTD) collected in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea,
  • the implementation of quality checks on the T/S profiles over the Eastern Mediterranean Sea,
  • the participation in the synthetic work, checking the computed climatology over the Eastern Mediterranean Sea.