
Atlas of Seagrass Meadows at the Hellenic waters

(coming soon)


Data Access

  • Online Search & Download Service – New Version released
    (The latest developments implemented and released in December 2014, are the Data shopping basket functionality and the updated Web Map Service (WMS).)

    hnodc_mapbenderThe Online Search & Download Service database comprises physical, chemical and biological parameters in the water column. Through web, you can select and add the data of your interest data into a basket. If your requested datasets are of public domain then you can directly download them in MEDATLAS format, otherwise your requested datasets will be automatically sent to us.


Information on Data and their Collection

  • National Cruise Summary Report Database – Former ROSCOP
    (A new version of the CSR data base based on the Pan-European SeaDataNet standards is under development and will be available soon!)

    roscop.bmpThe National Cruise Summary Report Database describes the oceanographic cruise that was carried out by hellenic ships and reported to HNODC by the responsible scientists. You can search the database and/or insert your CSR-ROSCOP form here.
    You can visit the European SeaDataNet Cruise Summary Reports (CSR) here.


  • National Environmental Datasets – EDMED

    edmed_hnodcThe EDMED directory is the description of the National Environmental Datasets collected by hellenic scientific laboratories, research institutes, universities, etc.
    The European SeaDataNet EDMED catalogue is accessible here.


  • National Observing System Database – EDIOS

    ediosThe National Observing System Database is providing information on ocean observing, measuring and monitoring systems in Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea.
    The European EDIOS database is accessible here.


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